We see this disconnect fairly often in our own customer support, but I haven't really found a good way of putting an explanation in writing. To add to that, most layout algorithms prioritize optimizing certain criteria, while other parts of the visualization emerge from that and if the human viewer chooses a layout algorithm because of one of the latter properties, they are often surprised that the result doesn't look like they envisioned (because, hey, the algorithm optimized something entirely different). Laying out larger graphs is tricky, often because the size simply stands in the way of generating anything that's useful to the viewer.
In the reverse direction, our work more in terms of quickly configurable global dataviz data bindings ("using the UI or API, bind each event's score to a hot-and-cold coloring palette and use a warning icon on all type=alert events"), but we have a ways to go to support the more manual artisinal effects of diagramming tools like Figma, where each element might have a super fancy & unique border style. Ex: We're the easiest graph tool for jupyter/databricks/streamlit etc teams who use dataframes, and I can imagine those tools learning from us here. The overlap is real however, so a lot of room for teams to learn. Using Graphistry to do a quick markdown of how a 4 node cluster might work is a bit like driving a tank to pick up some milk :) Teams go to us more for gnarly investigation & splunking tasks that need a visual power tool, like looking at alert logs or big systems, so we optimize for making that scale interactive & easy. Now we can use the dot program (part of graphviz) to create a png image: dot -Tpng target/ -o target/server.urm.100% agreement, spot on observations! Indeed, we end up referring folks to cool diagramming tools all the time at Graphistry as d2/mermaid/ are well-optimized for quick & beautiful diagram presentation tasks on manageably sized & fairly static datasets. So we first have to use sed to escape these characters: sed -i 's//\>/g' target/

There is one caveat: urm-maven-plugin does not escape characters, which will cause errors ( Error: bad label format) when we try to convert to a png image.
To create an image from this description, we need graphviz installed: sudo apt install graphviz clean It produces a graph description in one of three possible formats: graphviz (like in our example), plantuml or mermaid. Urm-maven-plugin does not produce an image. The UML graph will be saved in target/$.urm.dot graphviz Now you can run the plugin using maven, for example: mvn clean package The map goal of the plugin will be executed during the process-classes phase of the build process (right after the compile phase).You can choose to ignore classes from the produced diagram.You have to list the packages for which you want to create the diagram ( be. in our example).At the time of writing, there is also a version 2.0.0 but that did not appear to work for our project. To add the urm-maven-plugin to your maven project, add the following snippet to the section of your pom.xml: Luckily, there is a maven plugin that does this automatically for you. Creating and maintaining UML diagrams is one of the things to do.
Documenting your project is an important part of good software development.