Step 3 - Disguise and market it, which is already done with your presidente's special blend factory. Step 2 - Process the drug turn coca into Cocaine, Opium into Heroin (or you could turn it into morphine instead if you wish, then let your pharmaceutical factories have it as a resource) and turn cannabis into 'pot' (I assume you mean hash, cannabis and pot are one in the same, turning weed into hash compacts it by removing plant matter) Step 1 - Grow the drug (note that hydroponic plantations do not currently work with the latest version and there are text issues when selecting growing options on normal plantations)
Tropico 5 mods not working mod#
I've no idea how easy/hard it is for you to mod things, though I think the drugs should be a 3 step thing. You should really focus on that mod you can't have a Caribbean island dictatorship without drugs.
Allows you to prevent a dock from receiving a tourist ship.
Logging camps and Mines won't auto-destruct until all resources have been moved out. Prevents sound effect from playing when selecting a building. Increases speed and recklessness of cars and boats. Adds drones as a shipping option in the Modern Era. Allows controlling of imports and exports at the docks. Turns Teamsters Office into a warehouse that can store excess goods. Eliminates teamsters moving resources as a game mechanic. Fixes the upgrades in the Refinery when the deposit is depleted. Changes how citizens choose their housing. New Edict: Ban Housing (Disables housing and evicts all citizens). New Edict: Destroy All Shacks (Deletes all shacks on the island). Production buildings will show blue for input resources and green for output resources. Production buildings will show both the current amount stored and the storage capacity as Amount / Capacity. Displays a list of all goods stored in the building. This mod replaces the older Electrify mod. Creates an "Upgrade All" option for most building upgrades. Allows education buildings to enroll students even if there are no openings for that level of education. Adds edict to force citizens into open job positions. Changes the frequency citizens will seek work or education. Adds several new citizen actions like Poison, Educate, Employ, Get Married, Have Child, Make Manager, etc. Adds drug crops and production buildings to the game. Changes the cost and impact of citizen actions (Kill, Bribe, Banish, and Discredit). Define your own list of dynasty member first names to choose from. Adds a new menu screen to the game that can spawn invasions and disasters, grants funds, and adds some very convenient short cuts like: QuickBuild All, Repair All, Rebuild All, Extinguish All, Irrigate All, and Pump Out All. Increases the games citizen and tourist caps.
Toggle military buidings to be immune to coups.Fishing spots now show actual quantity instead of generic description like "abundent".Adds edict to replenish mines, fishing, and oil deposits.Increases capacity of mines, fishing, and oil deposits.Fixes Flexible Principles so it works as intended.Fixes how economic numbers are displayed in the almanac so it shows a rolling 12 month period.Removes the building limit for most buildings in the game.